26 August, 2005


[photo courtesy (c)FreeFoto.com]

Slowly dusk descends
Trees whisper in utter awe
God sets sky on fire


Anonymous said...

The sun is setting, another day is gone
night comes on silent feet, covering the sky
my soul stretches out to the promise of the dying sun
a promise of a bright new morn...
another day...some more to do...
some more lives to light..some cheer to spread...
sun rise and sunset...eternal...unchanging!

Aparna Ray said...

beautiful...thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Soumyendu said...

I am reminded of a fmaous Japanese haiku by Matsuo Basho, as we, the bongs who have had some experience of life in the countryside, cannot but associate a magnificent sunset with the bells and cymbals of temples by the pond...

Temple bells die out
The fragrant blossoms remain
A perfect evening!